Please help pressure the Taliban re: the South Koreans
July 25, 2007

The abduction and detention by the Taliban of 23 Korean aid workers in Ghazni, Afghanistan is recieving wide news coverage at the moment. This mass abduction is the latest in a stream of actions taken against humanitarian personnel in Afghanistan.

Amidst the release negotiations, has started a petition appealing to the Taliban leadership to uphold Pashtunwali, a code which stresses the importance of extending melmastia (hospitality) to all people, and release their captives. From Avaaz's email:

Pashtunwali has real power among ordinary people in Afghanistan. In 2003 Bettina Goislard, 29, was shot by Taliban gunmen while she was working for the UN High Commission for Refugees in the town of Ghazni, near where the Korean aid workers were kidnapped. Incensed by her murder, local people chased down the gunmen and beat them before handing them over to the police -- then they gathered up her body and marched several hundred miles to Kabul to show their sorrow to the world.

You can put your name to this petition, and help ratchet up the global pressure on the Taliban to release the aid workers.


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